
9 Simple SEO Tips for Artists – How To Rank on Google

seo for artists

If you’re an artist, then you know how important it is to get your work seen by as many people as possible. In order to do this, you need to rank high on Google search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we will discuss 9 basic SEO tips that will help you rank your website on Google. Follow these simple and sometimes overlooked steps, and you’ll be well on your way to increased web traffic and more exposure for your art!

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website for Google search with the goal of earning higher organic web traffic levels and improving the visibility of your site.

SEO is important for artists because it can help them to get their work in front of a wider audience and to build an online following. SEO can be particularly helpful for artists who are just starting out and who may not have a large platform or social media following. By optimizing their website for search engines, artists can make it easier for potential fans to find their work and connect with them online.

SEO can also help artists to build authority in their field and to position themselves as experts in their niche.

There are lots of great resources available to help you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Organic traffic is an important part of being an artist in the modern world, and it can help you to achieve success in your career.

In short, SEO is a powerful tool that can help artists to reach a larger audience, to build their brand, and to establish themselves as experts in their field.

Why do artists need SEO?

Artists are often told that they need to be good at business in order to be successful. However, many artists don’t know the first thing about marketing or search engine optimization (SEO). While it’s true that some artists are naturally gifted at promoting their work, the majority of artists could benefit from learning a few basic SEO principles.

Consider this: each day, millions of people use Google and other search engines to find art online. If your art isn’t properly optimized for search, it’s unlikely that anyone will ever find it. By learning how to properly optimize your art for search engines, you can dramatically increase your chances of being discovered by new audiences.

In addition to increasing your visibility, SEO can also help you to build credibility and authority within the art world. When your art is ranking highly in search results, it sends a signal to potential collectors that you’re a serious and credible artist. This can help you to close more sales and command higher prices for your work.

So why should artists learn SEO? Quite simply, it can help you to reach more people with your art and build a successful career in the art world.

  • SEO is important for artists because it can help them to get their work seen by more people.
  • SEO skills can help artists to create better titles and descriptions for their work, which can make it more likely that people will find and view their work.
  • SEO can also help artists to target specific audiences with their work, which can lead to more sales or commissions.
  • Finally, SEO skills can help artists to keep track of their progress and see how their work is performing over time.

If you’re an artist, chances are you didn’t get into the business to become a marketing guru. But if you want to sell your art, you need to get comfortable with self-promotion. The good news is that there are some basic tips you can follow to get your art in front of potential buyers.

9 Search Engine Optimization Tips for Artists

I’ve been an artist for over 10 years, and a digital marketer for almost as long. In that time, I’ve learned a thing or two about SEO – and how important it is for artists who want to get their work seen online.

There are a lot of SEO tips and tricks out there, but these SEO practices are the ones that have worked best for me as an artist. They’re easy to implement and can make a big impact on your visibility online.

1. Get your Own Artists Website – Rent your Space on the Web

There are a lot of reasons why artist websites are important, but from an SEO perspective, it is essential to have your own web page. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Artist websites give you complete control over your content and how it is presented to the world. When you rely on social media or other artist platforms, you are at the mercy of their algorithms and policies. But with your own website, you are in the driver’s seat.
  • artist websites help you build a following of loyal fans who will come back to your site again and again. Social media platforms are great for reaching new people, but it can be difficult to convert them into followers who will actually remember to check out your work. With your own website, you can make it easy for people to find and follow your work.
  • artist websites give you a chance to really show off your work. You can design your site to showcase your art in the best possible light and control exactly how people experience your work. This can be a great way to attract new fans and customers.

But before you can launch your site, you need to choose a content management system (CMS). Here are a few things to keep in mind as you make your decision:

  • Ease of use: A CMS should be easy to use, even if you’re not a tech expert. Otherwise, you’ll spend more time trying to figure out how to use the system than actually working on your site.
  • Flexibility: Your CMS should be flexible enough to accommodate future changes and growth. As your career evolves, your website will need to change with it. 
  • SEO features: Choose a CMS that comes with built-in SEO features. This will help ensure that your site is visible in search engine results, driving traffic to your site. 

Popular CMS Systems to build your own webpage are eg. WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace.

Choosing your URL

One of the most important considerations for your website is choosing the right URL. The best approach is to use your own name. It is unique to you, will make it easier for people to find you online and help build your brand.

However, if your name is already taken, you’ll need to be creative. Try using a combination of your name and a keyword that describes your work. For example, “JohnDoeIllustration.com” or “JaneSmithDesign.com.” You can also use your initials, like “JDSculptor.com” or “JASmithPhotography.com.”

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s easy to remember and spell. After all, you want people to be able to find you online!

2. Keyword Research – How Can People Find You?

One important part of SEO is keyword research. Keyword research is the process of finding out which search terms people are using when they search for artwork like yours. By including these keywords (no keyword stuffing!) on your website, you can make it easier for potential customers to find your work. In other words, keyword research is an essential tool for any artist who wants to sell their work online. So if you’re not doing keyword research, you’re missing out on a lot of potential sales.

There’s no better way to understand how people search for your art than by googling it yourself. Just enter some search terms you think potential customers might use, and see what Google search results come up. You might be surprised at the results. This exercise will also give you some insight into what keywords you should be using for your own website and marketing materials. So get Googling, and see what you can find!

The Most Important Keyword Metrics – What to Look for

If you’re an artist trying to do your own SEO, you might be feeling a little lost. After all, there’s a lot of information out there and it can be hard to know where to start. However, don’t worry – we’re here to help. When it comes to keyword research, there are three things you need to look at: search volume, ranking difficulty, and search trend.

  • Search volume is the number of searches that are being done for a particular keyword. The higher the search volume, the more people are interested in that keyword.
  • Ranking difficulty is how difficult it is to rank for a particular keyword. If the keyword is very competitive, it will be harder to rank for it. However, if the keyword is less competitive, it will be easier to rank for it.
  • Search trend Is the direction that the search volume for a particular keyword is going. If the search trend is increasing, that means more and more people are interested in that keyword. However, if the search trend is decreasing, that means fewer people are interested in that keyword.

So, what does all this mean for you? Well, if you’re looking at a keyword with high search volume and low ranking difficulty, that’s a good keyword to target. And if the search trend is increasing, that’s even better! So keep these three things in mind when you’re doing your keyword research and you’ll be well on your way to SEO success.

Free and Paid SEO Keyword Tools

There are a lot of SEO tools out there, both free and paid. Here are three of each that can be particularly useful for artists doing keyword research:


  • Google Ads Keyword Planner: This tool lets you see how often particular keywords are being searched for on Google. This can be helpful in gauging the potential search traffic for a given keyword. All you need is to register for Google Ads (don’t worry, you don’t have to pay for anything)
  • Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest generates suggestions for related keywords that you can then use for further research.
  • Google Trends: This tool lets you see how search volume for a given keyword has changed over time. This can be helpful in identifying trends in search behavior. With Google Trends, you can identify keywords that are up and coming with increasing traffic, so you are well positioned to get your content ranked early on.


  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that includes a keyword research component. It also provides other features such as site audits and backlink analysis. I personally use Ahrefs as it provides the most comprehensive SEO research experience in my opinion. Ahrefs is also the biggest crawler after Google, so it provides pretty accurate results.
  • SEMrush: SEMrush is another all-in-one SEO tool that includes a keyword research feature. In addition to search volume data, it also provides information on the competition level for a given keyword. 
  • SpyFu: SpyFu provides detailed information on the keywords your competitors are targeting. This can be helpful in identifying new keywords to target.

So, there you have it! A few of my favorite SEO keyword tools. No matter what your budget is, there’s a tool out there that will fit your needs.

3. SEO Optimized Portfolio – What to Consider When Structuring your Posts

If you’re an artist, one of the best ways to get discovered is to have an online portfolio. But in order for your portfolio to be effective, you need to make sure it’s optimized for search engines. Here are a few tips to help you write an SEO-friendly portfolio post: 

  1. Choose the right keywords. When potential clients are searching for an artist, they’ll typically use terms like your style or the project they are looking for, eg. “mid-century style” and “children’s book” So make sure to include the keywords fitting to your art throughout your post. 
  2. Use descriptive language. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but when it comes to SEO for artists, words are equally important. Describe your process of creating art, how you manage client collaborations, and what makes your work unique. The more detailed you are, the better chance you have of showing up in search results. 
  3. Update regularly. Be sure to regularly update your portfolio. Search engines love fresh content, so the more often you update your site, the higher you’ll rank on the results pages. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your artist website will be seen by the widest possible audience.
  4. Finally, remember that usability is key. No matter how well-written or keyword-rich your post is, if potential clients can’t navigate your site easily, they’re not going to stick around for long. Make sure your menus are clear and easy to use, and that visitors can find what they’re looking for with ease.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your portfolio post is both SEO-friendly and user-friendly – giving you the best chance of attracting new clients and growing your business.

4. Metadata – How You Show up in Search Engines

Meta can be a loaded term in the art world. but when it comes to your website, metadata is key to helping potential viewers find your work.

Optimizing Your Posting

Metadata is all the information that tells search engines what your website or post is about. this includes things like the title of your website or post, page title, meta descriptions, and keywords. 

Think of it this way- if someone does a search for “blue abstract paintings”, you want your website or post to come up as a result. in order to make this happen, you need to include these terms in your metadata. 

One meta term you might not be familiar with is the meta description. the meta description is a brief statement that appears under your website or post title in the search results. it’s basically a mini sales pitch that convinces someone to click on your link. 

So how do you write a good meta description? First, make sure it’s under 155 characters so it doesn’t get cut off in the search results. then, include some of your keywords and make sure it’s engaging and speaks to the content of your site or post. 

Optimizing Your Images

There are a few things you can do to make sure your images are speaking the right language for image search.

First, take a look at your image title: name your image files with the keyword phrase that accurately describes what’s in the image. For example, if you have a painting of a landscape, include titles like “landscape painting” or “oil painting landscape.” This will help Google image search understand what your image is about and show it to people who are searching for those terms. 

In addition, make sure to fill out the meta description for each image on your site. The meta description is the text that appears under your image in a Google image search. This is your chance to really sell your image and give potential viewers a taste of what they’ll be seeing. So take the time to write a compelling meta description that accurately reflects the content of your image. 

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your images are properly indexed by Google image search and that they’re reaching the people who are most likely to appreciate them.

5. Learn From the Best – Analyze Your Competition

If you’re trying to optimize your website for better search engine ranking, you don’t want to miss out on one key ingredient: your competition. By analyzing other artist websites, you can learn a lot about what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to SEO for artists. Not sure where to start? Here are a few tips:

  • Take a look at the website’s design and layout. Is it clean and easy to navigate, or is it cluttered and confusing?
  • Look at the site’s content. Is it well-written and informative, or is it full of typos and errors?
  • Check out the site’s back end. Are the titles and tags optimized for search engines, or are they generic and unhelpful?
  • Finally, take a look at the site’s traffic. Are people actually visiting the site, or is it mostly just gathering dust in cyberspace?

By taking the time to analyze other artist websites, you can get a good sense of what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to SEO. Armed with this knowledge, you can then start making changes to your own site to help improve your ranking.

So get out there and start snooping around – your competition could be your best teacher when it comes to SEO for artists!

6. Search Intent – Find Out what Your Audience is Looking for

When it comes to optimizing your website for search, one of the most important things to consider is your search intent. What are you trying to achieve with your search engine optimization?

There are three main types of search intent: informational, commercial, and navigational.

Informational searches are when people are looking for information about a particular topic. They may not even be aware of specific websites or brands that can provide them with that information, so they’ll use general search terms to find what they’re looking for.

Commercial searches are when people are looking to buy something. They’ll use specific keywords and phrases related to the product or service they’re interested in to find the best deals online.

Navigational searches are when people are looking for a specific website or brand. They’ll use the company’s name or website address as their keywords to find what they’re looking for.

So when planning the title and metadata for your posting, take a look at the first 10 results on Google (SERP = Search Enginge Result Page). What do you see?

Here’s an example for someone looking to find an illustrator for a children’s book for the keyword “finding an illustrator for children’s book”

The results show that people are looking for a process on how to find it, the first results show terms like “step-by-step”, “guide and “10 steps”

The results also contain phrass like “bring your book to life” and “for your children’s book”.

So if you want to rank for this keyword, you know that searchers expect a step-by-step guide and that they probably are looking for an illustrator to help them illustrate their own story. So your posting could have a title like “Finding an illustrator to bring your children’s book to life – 9 easy steps”.

7. Building a Blog for Artist Websites

As an artist, you want people to find your work online. And one of the best ways to ensure that your work is visible is to start a blog on your artist website.

By regularly writing blog posts, you can help improve your search rankings on Google’s search engine. That’s because each blog post is an opportunity to include keywords that people are searching for.

One tip is to be strategic about the blog posts you write. Don’t just start typing – do some keyword research and think about which people you want to reach. Do you want to target clients? Write about how you help other clients, what process you have to get optimal results for commissioned work or how to work with an illustrator.

Or do you want to reach fellow artists? Write about what tools you use or explain your methods of creating art.

But have your audience and keywords front and center before you invest in your blog. This will help you make sure you have the right impact and will keep you motivated to post regulary.

Google’s search engine favors websites that are regularly updated with new content. So by blogging on a regular basis, you can signal to Google that your website is active and relevant.

As a result, you’ll be more likely to show up in search results when people are looking for art like yours. So if you’re serious about getting your work seen online, starting a blog is a great way to improve your search engine ranking and reach a wider audience.

8. Build Links to Your Website – Website Authority and the Importance of Linkbuilding

Backlinks are vital because they are a big ranking factor in search engine algorithms. They are the currency of the internet.

In general, the more backlinks a website has, the higher it will rank in the search results. However, not all backlinks are created equal. Search engines use a variety of factors to determine the quality of a backlink, such as the relevancy of the linking website, the authority of the website, and whether or not the link is follow or nofollow. 

So, what’s the difference between dofollow and nofollow backlinks?

Well, dofollow backlinks help your SEO by indicating to search engines that your site is a reliable source of information.

Nofollow backlinks, on the other hand, don’t directly impact your SEO. However, they can still be useful for driving traffic to your site (especially if they’re from a high-authority site).

There are a few ways to get backlinks. The most common method is to create great content that other people will want to link to. This can be done by writing blog posts, creating infographics, or making videos. Other ways to get backlinks include guest blogging, directory listings, and social media mentions. 

If you’re an artist looking to get your work seen by more people, search engine optimization is a great way to do it. By creating great content and building up backlinks, you can improve your search ranking and get your work in front of more people.

9. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website for the search engines. It is a needed evil, because while web pages can be coded correctly and still rank well, they will not rank as well as they could without it.

Technical SEO can seem difficult, but it is worth it in the long run. Technical SEO includes things like optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, fixing broken links, 404 errors, and redirects. It also involves making sure that your website is accessible to both users and search engine crawlers.

While it may seem like a lot of work, technical SEO is essential for any website that wants to rank well in the search engines.

Key Considerations For a Successful SEO strategy

SEO for artists is a strategic project that can help businesses achieve their marketing and sales goals. When considering an SEO approach for your business, it’s important to consider your specific goals and what strategies will be the most effective in achieving them. In the case of artists, some common goals may include increasing web traffic, growing an online audience, and driving more sales conversions.

You can also promote your content through social media and other online channels to reach a wider audience. Another aspect is to improve site architecture and create internal links to help crawlers index your pages correctly.

SEO is a powerful tool that can help artists achieve their marketing and sales goals. Understanding your business objectives and choosing the right SEO approach can maximize your results and grow your online presence.

Alternatives to Doing SEO Yourself

If you’re looking to improve your artist website’s SEO, consider hiring a specialist. A good SEO consultant can help you optimize your site for search engines and drive more traffic to your artist pages. This can result in more fans and followers, as well as increased album sales and other revenue streams.

Wrapping it Up and My Experience With SEO

If you’re not already incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy, now is the time to start. SEO is one of the most important aspects of building a sustainable online presence for your business; it helps you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which means more people will see your website and potentially do business with you.

And as an artist and digital marketer, I’ve seen the very valuable results of having a consistent SEO strategy, The 9 tips in this post are easy to follow and will give you a head start. Optimizing your online presence is a complex task, which also includes your Social Media presence, your off-page efforts, and more.

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Thank you for reading!

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